Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Officially a 30 Something

Well, today I'm 31. I would like to say I feel my age, but since I wore my retainer to bed last night, laughed at something deeply inappropriate at work the other day, and watched 90210 on my DVR yesterday I would say I'm feel more like a 13 year girl. Oh well, I don't know when I'll ever start acting my age. Hopefully, when my child goes to college I'll stop giving the finger to my friends and laughing at fart noises. Until then all bets are off.

For my birthday, I decided to share a little video from my childhood. It features my twin sister, who's birthday it is also today (a lot of people neglect to make that connection) and I think, it shows as to why I didn't pursue a dancing career.

Please enjoy my birthday tap dance...


JoAnn said...

Oh, my, the memories that video brought back! You girls were (and still are) so cute.

Happy birthday.


Laura said...

Oh my God. I remember those robes! I think I was the one in the back telling you what to do. My favorite part is the underwear showing under the tights. Priceless. Happy Birthday, Kate.

bfsoul said...

Such good memories of you two little beauties! L/M

Em said...

Kind of surprised you didn't turn out to be the dancer...