Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The best quote ever...

Okay so I've been a little MIA for awhile, but a girl has got to make a living. So, I had to document one of the coolest things I've ever heard.

A few weeks ago i had the pleasure of attending August Rush with my good friend Emily Karen Madsen. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of seeing this cinematic masterpiece let me give you a small synopsis. First, we have a young couple, who loves music and stumble upon each other after their individual performances. As you can imagine, they do the deed, get pregnant and the child is put up for adoption. Now this is where the story really gets started. For the next ten years this "put up for adoption" child goes on a quest to find his parents through...yes of course, you guessed

Turns out this little guy is a music prodigy and ends up at Juilliard (but of course) and composes his own symphony. During the concert his parents are drawn to the stage and somehow know this kid is theirs. Oh, and while walking through a crowd of about ten thousand the once lovers also find each other. Brilliant writing.

However, I think the best ending of the movie had to come from Ms. Madsen. While the credits were rolling she leaned over and said, "That's so strange...the same thing happened to my cousin." Now that was brilliant.

1 comment:

Em said...

Well, it did....